Fear is one of the strongest human emotions and is capable of taking a strong toll on both your mind and body. It can hinder you from taking immediate actions when you are in emergencies. For instance, when faced by a snake instead of escaping immediately your fear paralyzes your brain making you vulnerable to the threat. You may have to struggle in critical situations because of your fears. For example, if you have a passion for public speaking but fear facing huge crowds, you would probably struggle between making your career in public speaking and overcoming your fear of dealing with crowds. Hence, your fears hold you back from achieving extraordinary things. 

It may have an adverse impact on your health as well. Few people get overwhelmed by their fears and get stressed when they couldn’t overcome them. I agree it is hard to break this cycle yet it is do-able with the below tips and strategies:

  • Identify and recognize your fears:
    The first step is always a tough battle to fight. You can’t fight an invisible villain. You must identify it, recognize it, and face it. When you face your fears, you become aware of what is causing them and how to overcome them. To help yourself, record your fear overcoming journey. Note the patterns when you experience fear and why you are afraid of a particular thing. Notice the symptoms. Getting to know your fear is the first step to success. You will soon notice a change in yourself. 
  • Why does it keep coming back:
    Sometimes, your fears are associated with certain incidents or people. Track and identify them. Tell yourself that whatever has happened has passed and your past shouldn’t haunt your present and future. Share your experiences and seek emotional help from your near and dear ones. A few times, it happens that as soon as you let your pain out, it doesn’t haunt you anymore.
  • Breathe, meditate, and practice mindfulness:
    If you feel afraid or anxious and think that there is no way to escape the situation, breath through the fear, meditate, keep your calm, shift your complete energy towards calming your mind and practice mindfulness. Repeat affirmations like: 
    • I am stronger than this. 
    • I am not afraid. 
    • I can handle this. 
    • I am not weak. 
    • This situation can help me overcome my fears. 

Meditation and mindfulness are powerful tools to overcome fear, anxiety, stress, and panic attacks. Change is not a one-day thing. Keep practising to see gradual results. 

  • Imagine the worst: 

Pray for the best but prepare for the worst.

Always prepare for the worst and you will automatically give your best. Imagine yourself in the worst situation. Prepare how you would react or respond. What are the possible things that you would like to avoid? Note down everything and rehearse how you would face your worst nightmares? This way you are exposing yourself to situations that you think are complex and preparing and getting yourself ready to face similar situations, whenever they hit you. 

  • Visualize a happy place:
    This method is another effective way to avoid and overcome your fears. Whenever you are faced with your worst fears, imagine yourself in a happy situation or a peaceful place. This will instantly reduce all your fears and grants you peace of mind. You will then attain a calm mind. Apply this strategy repeatedly and you will see the change within no time.
  • No one is perfect:
    Sometimes, you feel pressure while trying to fit in with the expectations of people. You don’t have to impress anyone; rather express yourself genuinely and people will be automatically drawn to you. Don’t try to put your perfect self out. No one is perfect and life is full of stresses. Don’t increase your burden trying to fit in an ideal personality that you think exists. 

You can also share your stories with a dear one or therapist, alter your diet, and engage in peaceful activities. Fears are minor and short-term most of the time. If you feel that your fear for something is persisting for long and hindering your happy and healthy lifestyle, then you should consider consulting a therapist. Your therapist analyses your situation and suggests an appropriate remedy for your situation.