If you have ever attended a yoga or meditation class, the word “chakras” must have crossed your ears. Many times, the importance of keeping chakras open and unblocked in the human body has been discussed, but less has been said about what are chakras and how do they affect human well-being. 

This article briefs you about the 7 main chakras and their impact on the human body and mind

What are chakras?

The Sanskrit word “chakra” refers to a ‘disk’ or a ‘wheel’ which is an energy center in the human body. Each wheel of spinning energy corresponds to a particular nerve or a bunch of other organs. The chakras must stay open and unblocked for the organs to function at their best. The blocking of chakras is said to produce an ensuing effect on the corresponding body organs. Each blocked chakra results in a certain physical or emotional adverse reaction. 

The 7 main chakras run down the spine in the human body that starts at the root and extends to the head. While there are different sources to quote a different number of chakras in the human body, the most commonly agreed one remained at 7. 

Human Chakras

The concept of chakras has gained prominence only recently with the growth in the popularity of yoga. However, this complex system has its roots in ancient India where its first mention can be found in Vedas, and ancient sacred texts. 

The Seven Main Chakras:

  • Root Chakra

    It is referred to as ‘Muladhara chakra’ in Sanskrit and is located at the base of the spine. It is often said to provide the base or foundation to human life and helps us keep grounded as we face the most difficult challenges in life. The root chakra is thus responsible for security and stability. A blocked Muladhara chakra is known to have consequences like constipation, back pain, arthritis, and feeling of insecurity. An aligned Muladhara chakra is guaranteed to give a sense of security and stability to human life both physically and emotionally. 
    Root Chakra

  • Sacral Chakra

    The Sacral chakra which is located just below the belly button is responsible for reproduction and creative energy. It is also called Svadishtana chakra in Sanskrit terminology. A blocked sacral chakra is known to translate into impotency. It also translates into urinary tract infections and lower back pain. This chakra plays a vital role in relating to self as well as other emotions. 
    Sacral Chakra

  • Solar Plexus Chakra

    This chakra is called Manipura chakra and is found in the stomach area. It is mainly responsible for self-esteem. A blocked solar plexus chakra is known to translate into ulcers, indigestion, and heartburn. As the chakra is connected to self-esteem and confidence, it is referred to as the chakra of human power. 

  • Heart Chakra

    This chakra is called ‘Anahata chakra’ in Sanskrit terms and is located in the center of the chest, near the heart. This chakra is responsible for the love and show of compassion. A blocked heart chakra has repercussions on both physical and mental well-being, with heart problems, bodyweight issues, and asthma being physical impacts, feeling of loneliness, insecurity, and isolation are the symptoms of emotional illness. 

  • Throat Chakra

    It is commonly referred to as ‘Vishuddha chakra’ in Sanskrit terminology. It is located in the throat and is responsible for verbal communication. A blocked throat chakra is known to have adverse impacts on the ability to communicate verbally along with other effects on teeth, gums, and mouth. Other effects can be seen in gossiping, impulsive talking, and trouble speaking. 

  • Third Eye Chakra

    The Third eye chakra which is called Ajna chakra in Sanskrit is located in between the eyes and responsible for intuitions, sixth sense, and gut instinct. It is also linked to imagination. The blockage of Ajna chakra can translate to hearing problems, eye-sight issues, and the ability to concentrate. 

  • Crown Chakra

    Crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is called Sahasrara chakra in Sanskrit. This chakra represents the spiritual connection of humans to the self, with others, and the universe. It is known as the chakra of enlightenment that represents the connection of life purpose to spirituality. This chakra is known to have connected to all the other chakras in the human body. Hence, a blockage in crown chakra doesn’t just impact crown chakra but all the other chakras. A blocked crown chakra affects the mental well-being of human beings.

While it has been said that the blocked chakras are known to have corresponding effects on physical and mental well-being, open chakras allow us to live in harmony with the body and mind. Yoga, meditation, and breathing practices are some of the methods suggested by various experts to let the energy flow continuously in these chakras to keep them open and hence, to lead a healthy and harmonious life.